GRI Standards Certified Training

SoPro bersama dengan NCCR, menyediakan GRI Standard Training. Program ini telah banyak melahirkan pemimpin dengan visi keberlanjutan jangka panjang.

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a non- governmental organization that develops and disseminates globally Acceptance Sustainability Reporting Standards.

The GRI started in 1997 as an initiative of the United Nations Environment Program and became  independent in 2002. Headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the GRI is an official  collaborating center of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and works in cooperation with  the UN Global Compact.

The GRI develops the sustainability reporting standards guidelines through a multi-stakeholder  process that incorporates the active participation of business, accountancy, investment,  environmental, human rights, research and labor organizations from around the world.

Modul Program

PART1: Introduction and background
1.1 Sustainable Development
1.2 Sustainability Reporting
1.3 About GRI
1.3.1 GRI Standards
1.3.2 GRI’s Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB)
1.3.3 Multi-Stakeholder Approach

PART 2: Overview of the GRI Standards
2.1 Useful Terminology
2.2 Introduction to GRI Standards
2.3 Structure of GRI Standards
2.4 How to Use the GRI Standards
2.5 Other Standards and Frameworks

Part 3: GRI Standards
3.1 Universal Standards
3.1.1 GRI 101: Foundation
3.1.2 GRI 102: General Disclosures
3.1.3 GRI 103: Management Approach
3.2 Topic-Specific Standards

PART 4: Start your reporting process using the GRI Standards
4.1 Applying the Reporting Principles
4.2 Reporting General Disclosures
4.3 Identifying Material Topics and Boundaries
4.4 Reporting on Material Topics
4.5 Reporting in Accordance
4.6 Presenting and Compiling Information
4.7 End of Course Exercise

PART 5: Additional resources
5.1 GRI Support Suite
5.2 Getting Involved
5.3 Useful Resources
5.4 End of Course Evaluation

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